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毎月アカーでは、LGBQユースのためのプログラムがある。そのS.I.P.の集まりに参加するため僕は、両親に嘘をつかなければいけない。集まりが長引いたときには、「帰りが遅い」と叱られる。今月のS.I.P.(編集部註:1月18日)のために僕は、1月31日まで公開されないと後で分かった『20世紀少年 第2章』を観に行くと嘘をついた。もっとちゃんと調べておくべきだったのだろうけど。












英語の原文:S.I.P. Meeting: Watching "The Times of Harvey Milk"

Every month, there is a program for LGBQ youth at OCCUR. I have to lie
to my parents to go to S.I.P. meetings, and when the meetings go on
longer than expected I get scolded for coming home so late. This month
I told my parents that I went to see the Japanese movie; 20th Century
Boys 2, only to find out that the movie isn't coming out till the last
day of January. I probably should have done more research.

The activities that we do at S.I.P. meetings vary. I've been to 4
meetings, and each time we did different things, and although most of
the people who come are over 20, there are the occasional teens. At
this months meeting, there were only 4 people including the awesome
lady who organizes these meetings.
At this month's S.I.P. meeting we watched the documentary "The Times
of Harvey Milk". Since I am familiar with the story of the slain gay
rights activist, I was surprised to find myself starting to cry during
the movie. To be exact, I felt tears coming on when hundreds of people
were holding lit candles, mourning the death of Harvey Milk.

I am not the type of person who cries a lot. My friends even coined
me the name "the Tin Man" after not crying during "Terms of
Endearment". But I had not felt such raw emotion in a very long time.
Even after the passage of Proposition 8 in California, I felt anger,
but not an ounce of sadness.

A big reason I shed tears is because I felt severely guilty. Harvey
Milk lost his life because he wanted to make the world safer for gay
people everywhere, and I was lying to my family about even being

I told my family that I was gay on Christmas Eve in 2007. I did it in
a way that was so awkward and unseasonable that it makes me feel
uncomfortable just thinking about it. The topic of my sexuality comes
up occasionally, but its safe to say that it was a failure, they now
think I am a troubled, confused teenager, and after some revelations
on my part, I completely lost their trust. I hate lying to them, but
when your 15, it's really difficult to meet other gay people if you
want to avoid the sleazy Internet dating sites.

I was reminded how important S.I.P. meetings are to young LGBQ
people. Every time my parents talk about my "future wife" I secretly
count the days till the next S.I.P. meeting. These meetings are an
escape from my "hetero" life, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who
thinks that. The documentary reminded me how much I wish that one day
my "hetero" life would merge with my "gay" life.

Afterwards, the 4 of us talked about the movie over some snacks.
During our discussion, someone recited a famous Harvey Milk quote: "If
a bullet shall". That bullet has yet to shatter my closet door, but I
think that bullet has come a little closer.


にほんブログ村 恋愛ブログ 同性愛・ビアン(ノンアダルト)へ 

*1:※訳注:「ブリキ男」(the Tin Man): 『オズの魔法使い』に登場する「心を持たないブリキ男」

*2:※訳註:ハーヴェイ・ミルクの演説からの引用: "If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door in the country."「もし私の頭に弾丸が打ち込まれるなら、その弾丸にこの国のすべてのクローゼット・ドアを壊させてしまおう」というミルクの言葉。